08 October 2012 0 comments

Prompt 8: If you had the superpower to know what everyone was thinking (but not saying) would you use it?

Yes, I would use it. 


1. I would know how to approach people without offending them in some way. This especially comes in handy when you work in the restaurant business.

2. I could get even more writing ideas. 
By knowing what people were thinking, it would help me be able to write in the various point of views. This would include children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly. When a person is in their thirties, it can be difficult to write with the mind of a child. 

3. If I were interested in a guy and wondered if he liked me, it would help me decide whether or not to approach him. It would save me time and heartbreak.

4. I can sense when something is bothering my loved ones. I would be able to know what is on their mind and how to help.

5. It would come in handy in preventing something bad happening to me. This could be an assault.

I would love to be able to know what people thought.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!