31 October 2012 0 comments

One Day Away from Beginning the NaNoWriMo 2012 Challenge

Today is Samhain (Halloween) and I have a long day ahead of me. 

I have to go to the library to print out, scan, and send back papers to my academic admissions counselor via email. Of course, I will be checking out a couple or so books.

Since I have completed my October NaBloPoMo challenge, all that needs to be done now is to complete my last NaNoWriMo Prep assignment before midnight. I need to finish up some things before the actual challenge takes place.

For me, midnight will be the "magic" hour. I do not mean "magick" like us pagans and others practice. When midnight strikes, it will be the first day of the NaNoWriMo challenge for 2012. It will be a long month for me and a lot of other participants. 

I am both nervous and skeptic. I am nervous about reaching the word count goal for each of those thirty days. That goal is 1,667 words. I am skeptic about actually reaching the 50,000 words that is the total word goal for the month of November. The inner editor that refuses to shut up and loves to keep the criticisms going is constantly at work. When it comes to me, I am my own worst enemy. I have a difficult time believing in myself when it comes to challenges like this. Well, writing in general. It is typical of most, if not all, writers. I love to write and want to keep my readers happy. Or, at least get them interested in my work. At the same time, when you are told "You won't amount to anything" or other various criticisms on a regular basis, it is hard to not believe it yourself after a while.

This year, I hope to reach 50,000 words in thirty days. I have to remind myself  that if I do not make it, at least I tried. The hard part will be not beating myself up over it, should that happen. I hate it when I do not complete my writing goals. I am such a perfectionist. I suppose that is one of my worst qualities or faults.

If you would like to keep up with my progress in the NaNoWriMo challenge, follow this link:

My NaNoWriMo page

Your support is most welcome and appreciated.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!


Prompt 31: Do you wish you could still go trick-or-treating, or are you content buying candy any time you want?

Before I write this entry...

HAPPY SAMHAIN (or HAPPY HALLOWEEN - whatever you celebrate) TO MY READERS!

There are times I wish I could still go trick-or-treating. The kid at heart within misses going door to door asking for candy and even the dumb sayings that I was taught as a child. For example, "Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." Otherwise, I love being able to buy candy whenever I want.

Of course, when I have children of my own, I will definitely take them trick-or-treating. At the same time, I will also teach them my spiritual path, and celebrate Samhain that way, too. It would be a family celebration.

Samhain (or Halloween) is the day of the year that the veil between the living and the dead are at their thinnest. On this day, many will set out a plate of food for their deceased loved one as an offering. Others set out food to keep the hobgoblins (bad spirits) away. It is seen as the Witch's New Year or Celtic New Year, depending on one's particular path and beliefs. A time to reflect on our lives over the past year and for hopes on what we hope is to come in the new year (or future). 

I will be lighting a candle in honor of my loved ones and ancestors who have gone before me. I will light a stick of incense as an offering to my matron and patron deities, Asar (Osiris) and Aset (Isis) as well.

I would rather celebrate this Sabbat in a spiritual way these days. 

Until next time...

Happy Writing!
