11 October 2012

Prompt 11: At what point in life did you stop trying to look older? At what point in life did you start trying to look younger? If neither are true, talk about looking your age.

I have never tried to look older or younger than I am.

I have not changed much in looks in thirty-four years.

I have been told by the majority of people that I look eighteen years old. I have not ever been told that I look over twenty-five. Well, except maybe once or twice.

Most people would get offended by being told they look older than they are. Personally, it does not bother me. I could care less what people think about me when it comes to my looks.

I will admit that I love being told that I look like I am in high school. I always say "Thanks for the compliment" any time I am told this. I take the looking younger than I am from my grandmother. She died when she was in her early 80s. However, she looked like she was in her 50s.

My looking younger than my true age will come in handy for me when I do hit the high ages.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!

