12 October 2012

Prompt 12: Do you plan to do plastic surgery or botox to cover up the effects of aging?

I will not get plastic surgery or botox to hide my aging.

I choose to age graceful and true. Not phony or fake. I am 100% natural in all things. My makeup, clothes, and so forth.

I choose to be who I am. I will not be something I am not because of botox or plastic surgery. To me, that stuff is fake. It is not natural.

There is only ONE way I would have plastic surgery. If I was in a severe accident that damaged me beyond recognition. That is it.

I was born natural; I will die natural.

Besides, if someone cannot accept me for who I am? They are not worth my time and energy. That is why I could not make a living as an actress or anything of that nature. They expect you to look, act, and be a certain way.

My motto: I am just me. Get over it!

Until next time...

Happy Writing!

