04 October 2012

Prompt 4: How good are you at telling a lie?

I have had to tell little white lies before. Only minor ones when I was a child. At some point in their life, any child does. 

My grandmother taught me that "Honesty is the Best Policy." I was always considered a "Miss Goody Two Shoes" growing up. I was considered a tattletale. I am sorry, but, I cannot stand bullying. Another pet peeve of mine? A person who gets punished for something he or she did not do, while the troublemaker gets off the hook. I lost count of how many times I was punished because of this back in my school days.

On more than one occasion, I have been told that I am too honest for my own good. Mainly by my best friends and some co-workers I have had along the way of life.

I prefer to be honest. However, I believe I have mastered the telling of a little white lie down to an art. I am older. I have also mastered the "there is a time to open your mouth and a time to keep it shut" philosophy. It is about time.

Mind you, I am more honest than not. That is just who I am.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!

