I have had quite the busy week. I have been working on completing prerequisites needed to be done before my semester at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh - Online Division begins. This has been a long week, especially having to watch loads of tutorials on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Talk about something putting someone to sleep quicker than a sleeping pill!
I am working on a schedule to catch up on my NaNo writing. I still am stuck at 3,426 words. I feel bummed out and like a failure. I have been focused on everything but my writing. I have eleven days to go before this year's NaNoWriMo ends. I look forward on writing more in my novel. I will have to keep myself from beating myself up for not reaching, or exceeding, my expectations.
I look forward to my time at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh - Online Division.
I look forward to writing regularly as well.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
As the middle of November approaches, I am still behind on my NaNo writing. Since I am off today, I do not care if I have to hogtie myself to the chair, I AM going to write. I do not know how far I will get but at least I am writing.
At this very moment, I am going to be upfront with you. I have been doing my best to avoid writing in contractions in the blog. Supposedly, it is taboo to write that way. However, it does not sound as natural if I constantly avoid them. The consistency may waiver here and there in the way I sound. Here's the thing, I want to write as if I am talking to you, instead of coming off as a stiff cardboard box.
I would like your opinion on that topic. Would you prefer for me to speak where it sounds natural or stiffly? I am asking out of curiosity. Comment on this post and let me know what you think. I appreciate any and all feedback from my readers.
I will cut this blog post short. I have been studying for the past twelve hours and I am tired.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
At this very moment, I am going to be upfront with you. I have been doing my best to avoid writing in contractions in the blog. Supposedly, it is taboo to write that way. However, it does not sound as natural if I constantly avoid them. The consistency may waiver here and there in the way I sound. Here's the thing, I want to write as if I am talking to you, instead of coming off as a stiff cardboard box.
I would like your opinion on that topic. Would you prefer for me to speak where it sounds natural or stiffly? I am asking out of curiosity. Comment on this post and let me know what you think. I appreciate any and all feedback from my readers.
I will cut this blog post short. I have been studying for the past twelve hours and I am tired.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Hello my beloved readers. How have you been since you last visited me and my blog? I hope all are doing well.
I have not written here for about four days. I have a good explanation. I promise.
For the past few days, I have been focusing on getting Orientation modules and aptitude tests done before November 19, 2012. This is when my class starts at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh-Online Division. I will be working on an Associate's of Science in Photography degree.
My NaNo writing has come to a temporary halt. I have a lot of catching up to do on it. I have plenty of time though.
I will keep blogging regularly. If I miss a few days, please forgive me. My education is important to me.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have not written here for about four days. I have a good explanation. I promise.
For the past few days, I have been focusing on getting Orientation modules and aptitude tests done before November 19, 2012. This is when my class starts at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh-Online Division. I will be working on an Associate's of Science in Photography degree.
My NaNo writing has come to a temporary halt. I have a lot of catching up to do on it. I have plenty of time though.
I will keep blogging regularly. If I miss a few days, please forgive me. My education is important to me.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Hello everyone. I just wanted to take this time to thank you - my readers. I enjoy seeing how many visits I get. Thank you for reading my blog and for your "behind the scenes" support.
However, I notice that My Writing Life is being read, but there are no comments on the entries. Don't be shy! You are most welcome to comment on any of my posts. You can tell me you hate or love the entry, respond by telling me your writing hopes and dreams, or just to say hello.
I chose to make this blog as a way to let others join me on my writing journey. I know that a writer's life is lonely and it can be downright stressful at times. It's part of the writer's path. There are those of us who want to write but don't think they can. Some just wish they had a companion on their journey. This can be for support, to re-light the flame that made the desire to write so strong, and other things of that nature.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
However, I notice that My Writing Life is being read, but there are no comments on the entries. Don't be shy! You are most welcome to comment on any of my posts. You can tell me you hate or love the entry, respond by telling me your writing hopes and dreams, or just to say hello.
I chose to make this blog as a way to let others join me on my writing journey. I know that a writer's life is lonely and it can be downright stressful at times. It's part of the writer's path. There are those of us who want to write but don't think they can. Some just wish they had a companion on their journey. This can be for support, to re-light the flame that made the desire to write so strong, and other things of that nature.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
05 November 2012
novel challenge,
Day 5 of the NaNo Challenge and STILL Behind
Okay. I am really beating myself up over here. We are five days into this year's NaNo challenge and I have three days of writing to make up. I feel like a failure.
There are many excuses I could use to explain this away, but, I will not. I will just admit the truth. I worked all weekend and Sunday (yesterday) was the worst! We were super busy, customers were just extra rude, and the environment was just plain out chaotic. I was so tired and achy that I did not even really stay on the internet long. SHOCKER.
Honestly, I feel burned out. It is not because of the NaNo per se. Mainly it is because I am pushing myself too hard. I keep reminding myself I have to hit 1,700 words a day or that I am 3,400+ words behind, and things of that nature. The belief in me seems almost non-existent, but I am still trudging along. Even though I have reached a measly 3,426 words, that is still a lot in my book. It does not help that my depression is kicking in.
If not for others who believed in me, I would have quit by now.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
There are many excuses I could use to explain this away, but, I will not. I will just admit the truth. I worked all weekend and Sunday (yesterday) was the worst! We were super busy, customers were just extra rude, and the environment was just plain out chaotic. I was so tired and achy that I did not even really stay on the internet long. SHOCKER.
Honestly, I feel burned out. It is not because of the NaNo per se. Mainly it is because I am pushing myself too hard. I keep reminding myself I have to hit 1,700 words a day or that I am 3,400+ words behind, and things of that nature. The belief in me seems almost non-existent, but I am still trudging along. Even though I have reached a measly 3,426 words, that is still a lot in my book. It does not help that my depression is kicking in.
If not for others who believed in me, I would have quit by now.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
04 November 2012
writing goals
I am behind schedule on my NaNo challenge
I survived the first two days of the challenge. I did not write anything for Day 3. If you include today, I will have to write 3,400 words to be completely caught up.
I hate to admit it, but I am already getting burned out on this challenge. I have almost quit twice. Boy, was that a mistake. Once my friends that are also participating in this found out, I got nailed. They were not rude. My friends just told me to not give up so easily and write what I can. I had plenty of time to catch up. This is true. There are twenty-six more days left to catch up.
I think I may have found a way to help me make it through NaNoWriMo 2012. Write my story down on paper first, THEN type it up in the offline electronic diary I am using as a writing journal. I make sure I have the word count tool page open on the internet. There are three I use frequently.
It helps me to see how many words I have left to write to reach my word goal for the day. Of course, when I do, I copy and paste my words in the word count validator on http://www.nanowrimo.org.
I have a great support team and I will try NOT to quit this challenge.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
02 November 2012
novel challenge,
writing goals
Day Two of NaNoWriMo begins
Today marks the National Novel Writing Month challenge's second day. All over the world, millions of writers are participating in this challenge of all challenges. People are typing away on their computer or taking the longer route of writing a novel by hand. Either way, the NaNoWriMo is a true test of writing discipline.
I made it to 1,700 words yesterday. I must say that I am proud of myself. I almost quit on the first day! Usually, the minimum word count is 1,667 words. However, I decided to round it up because I will have a cushion to fall back on if life gets in the way. We all know that life can be unpredictable.
I figured out a way to make it through each day of NaNo 2012. Instead of looking at it as "I have to write 1,667 words a day," I will treat the challenge as just another normal writing day. The word challenge is enough to make a writer run to the nearest cave. It is fun and stressful at the same time.
What are other things that keep me moving forward during this time? That is easy. I have friends participating in this challenge alongside me. We are each other's cheerleader and help keep each other going, even when it seems hopeless to reach 1,667 words or 50,000 words. I have a great support team.
My adopted "Momma," Brenda, has been my best cheerleader so far. My sister, Krysha, is also a great cheerleader/motivator. I can talk to them when I just want to say "Forget it! I can't do this!" They nudge me forward and will not let me give up. They are two of many inspirational people I have for support. I am so glad Brenda and Krysha believe in me. It helps me believe in myself even more than I do.
To all NaNoWriMo participants reading this, here is my message for you: You can succeed in the challenge. If you only reach 20,000 words in these thirty days, at least you tried. Do not beat yourself up. There is always next year.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I made it to 1,700 words yesterday. I must say that I am proud of myself. I almost quit on the first day! Usually, the minimum word count is 1,667 words. However, I decided to round it up because I will have a cushion to fall back on if life gets in the way. We all know that life can be unpredictable.
I figured out a way to make it through each day of NaNo 2012. Instead of looking at it as "I have to write 1,667 words a day," I will treat the challenge as just another normal writing day. The word challenge is enough to make a writer run to the nearest cave. It is fun and stressful at the same time.
What are other things that keep me moving forward during this time? That is easy. I have friends participating in this challenge alongside me. We are each other's cheerleader and help keep each other going, even when it seems hopeless to reach 1,667 words or 50,000 words. I have a great support team.
My adopted "Momma," Brenda, has been my best cheerleader so far. My sister, Krysha, is also a great cheerleader/motivator. I can talk to them when I just want to say "Forget it! I can't do this!" They nudge me forward and will not let me give up. They are two of many inspirational people I have for support. I am so glad Brenda and Krysha believe in me. It helps me believe in myself even more than I do.
To all NaNoWriMo participants reading this, here is my message for you: You can succeed in the challenge. If you only reach 20,000 words in these thirty days, at least you tried. Do not beat yourself up. There is always next year.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
31 October 2012
novel challenge,
writing goals
One Day Away from Beginning the NaNoWriMo 2012 Challenge
Today is Samhain (Halloween) and I have a long day ahead of me.
I have to go to the library to print out, scan, and send back papers to my academic admissions counselor via email. Of course, I will be checking out a couple or so books.
Since I have completed my October NaBloPoMo challenge, all that needs to be done now is to complete my last NaNoWriMo Prep assignment before midnight. I need to finish up some things before the actual challenge takes place.
For me, midnight will be the "magic" hour. I do not mean "magick" like us pagans and others practice. When midnight strikes, it will be the first day of the NaNoWriMo challenge for 2012. It will be a long month for me and a lot of other participants.
I am both nervous and skeptic. I am nervous about reaching the word count goal for each of those thirty days. That goal is 1,667 words. I am skeptic about actually reaching the 50,000 words that is the total word goal for the month of November. The inner editor that refuses to shut up and loves to keep the criticisms going is constantly at work. When it comes to me, I am my own worst enemy. I have a difficult time believing in myself when it comes to challenges like this. Well, writing in general. It is typical of most, if not all, writers. I love to write and want to keep my readers happy. Or, at least get them interested in my work. At the same time, when you are told "You won't amount to anything" or other various criticisms on a regular basis, it is hard to not believe it yourself after a while.
This year, I hope to reach 50,000 words in thirty days. I have to remind myself that if I do not make it, at least I tried. The hard part will be not beating myself up over it, should that happen. I hate it when I do not complete my writing goals. I am such a perfectionist. I suppose that is one of my worst qualities or faults.
If you would like to keep up with my progress in the NaNoWriMo challenge, follow this link:
My NaNoWriMo page
Your support is most welcome and appreciated.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have to go to the library to print out, scan, and send back papers to my academic admissions counselor via email. Of course, I will be checking out a couple or so books.
Since I have completed my October NaBloPoMo challenge, all that needs to be done now is to complete my last NaNoWriMo Prep assignment before midnight. I need to finish up some things before the actual challenge takes place.
For me, midnight will be the "magic" hour. I do not mean "magick" like us pagans and others practice. When midnight strikes, it will be the first day of the NaNoWriMo challenge for 2012. It will be a long month for me and a lot of other participants.
I am both nervous and skeptic. I am nervous about reaching the word count goal for each of those thirty days. That goal is 1,667 words. I am skeptic about actually reaching the 50,000 words that is the total word goal for the month of November. The inner editor that refuses to shut up and loves to keep the criticisms going is constantly at work. When it comes to me, I am my own worst enemy. I have a difficult time believing in myself when it comes to challenges like this. Well, writing in general. It is typical of most, if not all, writers. I love to write and want to keep my readers happy. Or, at least get them interested in my work. At the same time, when you are told "You won't amount to anything" or other various criticisms on a regular basis, it is hard to not believe it yourself after a while.
This year, I hope to reach 50,000 words in thirty days. I have to remind myself that if I do not make it, at least I tried. The hard part will be not beating myself up over it, should that happen. I hate it when I do not complete my writing goals. I am such a perfectionist. I suppose that is one of my worst qualities or faults.
If you would like to keep up with my progress in the NaNoWriMo challenge, follow this link:
My NaNoWriMo page
Your support is most welcome and appreciated.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 31: Do you wish you could still go trick-or-treating, or are you content buying candy any time you want?
Before I write this entry...
HAPPY SAMHAIN (or HAPPY HALLOWEEN - whatever you celebrate) TO MY READERS!
There are times I wish I could still go trick-or-treating. The kid at heart within misses going door to door asking for candy and even the dumb sayings that I was taught as a child. For example, "Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." Otherwise, I love being able to buy candy whenever I want.
Of course, when I have children of my own, I will definitely take them trick-or-treating. At the same time, I will also teach them my spiritual path, and celebrate Samhain that way, too. It would be a family celebration.
Samhain (or Halloween) is the day of the year that the veil between the living and the dead are at their thinnest. On this day, many will set out a plate of food for their deceased loved one as an offering. Others set out food to keep the hobgoblins (bad spirits) away. It is seen as the Witch's New Year or Celtic New Year, depending on one's particular path and beliefs. A time to reflect on our lives over the past year and for hopes on what we hope is to come in the new year (or future).
I will be lighting a candle in honor of my loved ones and ancestors who have gone before me. I will light a stick of incense as an offering to my matron and patron deities, Asar (Osiris) and Aset (Isis) as well.
I would rather celebrate this Sabbat in a spiritual way these days.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
30 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 30: What is your favourite candy to give out?
I absolutely love to give out Halloween candy to the children that come to my door. Of course, the trick is to keep myself from eating it first.
I usually load up on the treats for the kiddies a couple or so weeks ahead. It saves last minute stress and I want to make sure I get the good stuff before it all sells out.
My favorite candies to give out are Snickers, Milky Way, 3 Muskateers, Peanut and Plain M&Ms, Caramel Twix, Dum Dum pops, Tootsie Roll pops, Milk Duds, Starburst, Skittles, Jolly Ranchers, Hershey's chocolate and chocolate with almonds bar, Mr. Goodbar, and the Hershey's mixed minis.
Every trick-or-treater loves to drop by my place each year. I am the "candy lady with the good stuff." It brings joy to me to see the excitement of the children at this time of year.
Once all the trick-or-treaters leave for the night, I will make candy bags for my co-workers to help get rid of it. The rest is for me and my family to share.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I usually load up on the treats for the kiddies a couple or so weeks ahead. It saves last minute stress and I want to make sure I get the good stuff before it all sells out.
My favorite candies to give out are Snickers, Milky Way, 3 Muskateers, Peanut and Plain M&Ms, Caramel Twix, Dum Dum pops, Tootsie Roll pops, Milk Duds, Starburst, Skittles, Jolly Ranchers, Hershey's chocolate and chocolate with almonds bar, Mr. Goodbar, and the Hershey's mixed minis.
Every trick-or-treater loves to drop by my place each year. I am the "candy lady with the good stuff." It brings joy to me to see the excitement of the children at this time of year.
Once all the trick-or-treaters leave for the night, I will make candy bags for my co-workers to help get rid of it. The rest is for me and my family to share.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
29 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 29: What is your favourite Halloween candy to receive?
I love candy, but my favorite of all is chocolate. I mean, what woman does not love chocolate. Right?
I have a tie for favorite Halloween candy. I love to receive Snickers, Mr. Goodbar, Hershey's Almond bar, peanut M&Ms, and Reese's Peanut Butter cups.
I am such a Snickers "addict" that I even eat the ice cream of the same name.
I love to dip my candy in peanut butter. It just makes it taste more fantastic than it already is.
When I would get home from trick-or-treating as a youngster, I always dumped out my candy bag. You know the Butterfinger commercial? "Nobody better lay a finger, on my Butterfinger." Well, change that to any of the above favorite candies of mine.
My grandfather and grandmother always knew what to leave alone when it came to candy. I do not mind sharing my Halloween candy. At that time, you should consider yourself "privileged" and special if I gave you any of my favorite candy.
I wish I had a lifetime supply of Snickers, Mr. Goodbar, Hershey's Almond bar, peanut M&Ms, and Reese's Peanut Butter cup.
Now you know what my favorite Halloween candy is. What is yours?
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have a tie for favorite Halloween candy. I love to receive Snickers, Mr. Goodbar, Hershey's Almond bar, peanut M&Ms, and Reese's Peanut Butter cups.
I am such a Snickers "addict" that I even eat the ice cream of the same name.
I love to dip my candy in peanut butter. It just makes it taste more fantastic than it already is.
When I would get home from trick-or-treating as a youngster, I always dumped out my candy bag. You know the Butterfinger commercial? "Nobody better lay a finger, on my Butterfinger." Well, change that to any of the above favorite candies of mine.
My grandfather and grandmother always knew what to leave alone when it came to candy. I do not mind sharing my Halloween candy. At that time, you should consider yourself "privileged" and special if I gave you any of my favorite candy.
I wish I had a lifetime supply of Snickers, Mr. Goodbar, Hershey's Almond bar, peanut M&Ms, and Reese's Peanut Butter cup.
Now you know what my favorite Halloween candy is. What is yours?
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I went to the bookstore the other day and just has to get a magazine. It was a Writer's Digest magazine.
The magazine is Writer's Workbook by Writer's Digest Yearbook. I love the special issues that Writer's Digest puts out ever so often. They are usually a compilation of various articles written for Writer's Digest magazine. I miss their journaling magazine. I was only able to get one issue before I found out it was no longer available in bookstores or anything. I wish they would bring it back.
Writer's Digest is my number one choice for magazines about writing. I have read this magazine since I was in high school ages ago. I was cleaning my basement and found some of my older issues. I will have to reread through all of them. It is one of the best magazines out there on writing.
I also recommend buying the Writer's Market books. Some include 2013 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market, 2013 Guide to Literary Agents, and 2013 Writer's Market Deluxe Edition to name just a few of the books they offer. These books have articles, listings to agencies, and even available writing contests.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
The magazine is Writer's Workbook by Writer's Digest Yearbook. I love the special issues that Writer's Digest puts out ever so often. They are usually a compilation of various articles written for Writer's Digest magazine. I miss their journaling magazine. I was only able to get one issue before I found out it was no longer available in bookstores or anything. I wish they would bring it back.
Writer's Digest is my number one choice for magazines about writing. I have read this magazine since I was in high school ages ago. I was cleaning my basement and found some of my older issues. I will have to reread through all of them. It is one of the best magazines out there on writing.
I also recommend buying the Writer's Market books. Some include 2013 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market, 2013 Guide to Literary Agents, and 2013 Writer's Market Deluxe Edition to name just a few of the books they offer. These books have articles, listings to agencies, and even available writing contests.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I am counting down until the actual NaNoWriMo begins in November. I am five days away from its start. It is going to be one of my most stressful ever. I have to write a minimum of 1,667 words a day to complete the challenge on time. 50,000 words is a lot of writing.
How is it going to be stressful, you ask? Let me see.
1. I have to write 1,667 words a day (at a regular time).
2. I need to balance school, work, and this daily writing.
3. I have to keep myself disciplined (as mentioned in #1).
4. I need to keep distractions to a minimum. This includes watching television or movies, staying AWAY from the Facebook games I play (at least until I complete the daily word count), turning all chat boxes off, not answering my phone (unless it is an emergency), and coming up with a lot of excuses to keep me away from the writing itself.
5. I have to make sure that I get adequate sleep so that I am not a zombie on the days I work.
What can I do to prevent all that stress and complete the challenge the way I want?
1. Replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk.
2. Set a specific time frame to write in and stick to it. This means putting my butt in the chair at this time and turn off the television and phone. Plus, not getting on Facebook until I am done.
3. Get adequate rest. I will have to rearrange my sleep routine.
4. Do a mini-meditation or say a simple prayer to calm my nerves.
5. Believe in myself. That is easier said than done.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
How is it going to be stressful, you ask? Let me see.
1. I have to write 1,667 words a day (at a regular time).
2. I need to balance school, work, and this daily writing.
3. I have to keep myself disciplined (as mentioned in #1).
4. I need to keep distractions to a minimum. This includes watching television or movies, staying AWAY from the Facebook games I play (at least until I complete the daily word count), turning all chat boxes off, not answering my phone (unless it is an emergency), and coming up with a lot of excuses to keep me away from the writing itself.
5. I have to make sure that I get adequate sleep so that I am not a zombie on the days I work.
What can I do to prevent all that stress and complete the challenge the way I want?
1. Replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk.
2. Set a specific time frame to write in and stick to it. This means putting my butt in the chair at this time and turn off the television and phone. Plus, not getting on Facebook until I am done.
3. Get adequate rest. I will have to rearrange my sleep routine.
4. Do a mini-meditation or say a simple prayer to calm my nerves.
5. Believe in myself. That is easier said than done.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
26 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 26: Do you like being scared on Halloween?
This is a double-ended question.
I love to be scared on Halloween. It is a fun time of the year for many. Although this is a sacred holiday to me (Samhain), I still love to have fun. When I am getting scared or if I decide to scare someone else for fun, it reminds me of my childhood days. Despite the fact I am all grown up, I am still a child at heart. Let me tell you, it took a long time to find her (the child in me) again.
On the other hand, I love to scare others on Halloween. I do not mean playing tricks necessarily. I enjoy slipping up behind people and grabbing them, especially my co-worker Tai. She is an easy target. I love her to death, but I get a kick out of her jumping and squealing. Of course, we laugh a lot afterward. I enjoy making ghost sounds when I play with my great nephew, Brighton. He is almost six years old.
Being scared is fun, if it is done the right way.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I love to be scared on Halloween. It is a fun time of the year for many. Although this is a sacred holiday to me (Samhain), I still love to have fun. When I am getting scared or if I decide to scare someone else for fun, it reminds me of my childhood days. Despite the fact I am all grown up, I am still a child at heart. Let me tell you, it took a long time to find her (the child in me) again.
On the other hand, I love to scare others on Halloween. I do not mean playing tricks necessarily. I enjoy slipping up behind people and grabbing them, especially my co-worker Tai. She is an easy target. I love her to death, but I get a kick out of her jumping and squealing. Of course, we laugh a lot afterward. I enjoy making ghost sounds when I play with my great nephew, Brighton. He is almost six years old.
Being scared is fun, if it is done the right way.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
25 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 25: Trick or treat: tell us your best Halloween trick.
*WARNING: This will be a shorter post than usual.*
I have never been the prankster type. I never even played tricks on others.
When Halloween came around, I always chose to go trick-or-treating because I wanted the candy and to dress up.
When I finally hit the age where I did not go trick-or-treating, I chose to dress up and give out candy to the children in my neighborhood.
I cannot honestly tell you my best Halloween trick.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have never been the prankster type. I never even played tricks on others.
When Halloween came around, I always chose to go trick-or-treating because I wanted the candy and to dress up.
When I finally hit the age where I did not go trick-or-treating, I chose to dress up and give out candy to the children in my neighborhood.
I cannot honestly tell you my best Halloween trick.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
24 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 24: Are you dressing up this year for Halloween? If so, tell us what you'll be. If not, tell us what costume you wish you could make/buy.
Even though I'm "too old" to go trick-or-treating for candy myself, I dress up anyway. I have a Gothic Maiden costume I bought at Party City years ago. The material feels like suede and it is black and red with a hood. It came with a slim black and red twisted cord to tie around the waist. That is my favorite costume. I just need black lipstick to complete it. That is, when I can get a way to the store that sells it.
I like Party City for costumes. They have (usually) what I am looking for. The costumes are better quality. I hope to find a vampire costume as well. I am both gothic and have a deep love for vampires.
Since I dress up and do not have any children to take trick-or-treating, I will most likely give out candy instead.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I like Party City for costumes. They have (usually) what I am looking for. The costumes are better quality. I hope to find a vampire costume as well. I am both gothic and have a deep love for vampires.
Since I dress up and do not have any children to take trick-or-treating, I will most likely give out candy instead.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
23 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 23: Tell us your biggest Halloween costume fail.
What my biggest Halloween costume fail was is a good question. I always dressed up like a witch. Although one year I did attempt to be an angel, since my grandmother would not let me be a devil.
I wore a little white dress with white flat heeled shoes. The make-shift halo was a disaster. It would not stay on my head to save my life. When it was not falling off, it would tangle in my hair and dangle. That smarted as well. The material used was gold garland wrapped around a thick, silver metal wire.
I decided that day to never wear anything on my head again with a costume. That covers this lifetime and all others. It is too much of a hassle and I hate wearing stuff on my head anyway.
From now on, I will just buy costumes instead of have them made.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I wore a little white dress with white flat heeled shoes. The make-shift halo was a disaster. It would not stay on my head to save my life. When it was not falling off, it would tangle in my hair and dangle. That smarted as well. The material used was gold garland wrapped around a thick, silver metal wire.
I decided that day to never wear anything on my head again with a costume. That covers this lifetime and all others. It is too much of a hassle and I hate wearing stuff on my head anyway.
From now on, I will just buy costumes instead of have them made.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
22 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 22: Tell us the best Halloween costume you ever wore.
It has been a long time since I went trick or treating. Try over twenty years. It is difficult to remember in perfect detail that old costume.
When I went trick or treating as a child, I was usually a witch. I have a never-ending interest in witches, demons, vampires, and beings of that nature. I am fascinated by them all.
If I had to choose the best Halloween costume, I would have to choose the witch costume my grandmother made. She always made my costumes.
The costume was solid black with orange sewn in sporadically. The bottom of it was fringed in the shape of triangles. Granny was creative and loved to sew.
I love boots but I wore black flat heeled shoes instead. She would paint my face. I would classify myself as a feline witch. My makeup consisted of black cat whiskers and a black nose.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
When I went trick or treating as a child, I was usually a witch. I have a never-ending interest in witches, demons, vampires, and beings of that nature. I am fascinated by them all.
If I had to choose the best Halloween costume, I would have to choose the witch costume my grandmother made. She always made my costumes.
The costume was solid black with orange sewn in sporadically. The bottom of it was fringed in the shape of triangles. Granny was creative and loved to sew.
I love boots but I wore black flat heeled shoes instead. She would paint my face. I would classify myself as a feline witch. My makeup consisted of black cat whiskers and a black nose.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Some days it seems as if inspiration is nonexistent, right? I went days, months, years without writing for that very reason. I had lost my inspiration and drive to write. Part of it was depression, the other was because my muse went on a permanent vacation.
Do you know what I came to understand? Inspiration is everywhere. I can hear you now. "How can you say that?" It is simple: one can find inspiration in the little things in life. For example, my favorite part of autumn is when the leaves change to the various hues of red, orange, yellow, and lime green. It puts me in awe and takes my breath away. I love the way the trees look in fall. Another possibility is a friend may have found out that he or she is pregnant. You feel joy for your friend, right? Aha! Inspiration for a positive piece of writing. It can be written in the form of a personal journal entry.
Today I found out that my friend is having a baby. Justina is happy and scared at the same time. The permanent smile this news has given her makes my day a brighter one. I am excited along with her. She deserves to be happy.
Or, this could work as well.
Her eyes empty of sparkles
now shimmer like the best diamond
The happiness she feels
warms her being like the heat of the sun
Her sadness once felt
is turned into joy and excitement
On the worse of days
the good news touches my soul
You get the picture. The inspiration is all around you. Even when writer's block strikes, it can be beaten. I have found that just looking at the nearest object and writing about it (even if it is only a description) helps me. Why? I have pen to paper and my hand is steadily moving across the page. Take that writer's block! So next time you get stuck, try my little trick that I discovered over the years to break the block. Write a description of the first object that catches your eyes and you are on the way to writing bliss.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Do you know what I came to understand? Inspiration is everywhere. I can hear you now. "How can you say that?" It is simple: one can find inspiration in the little things in life. For example, my favorite part of autumn is when the leaves change to the various hues of red, orange, yellow, and lime green. It puts me in awe and takes my breath away. I love the way the trees look in fall. Another possibility is a friend may have found out that he or she is pregnant. You feel joy for your friend, right? Aha! Inspiration for a positive piece of writing. It can be written in the form of a personal journal entry.
Today I found out that my friend is having a baby. Justina is happy and scared at the same time. The permanent smile this news has given her makes my day a brighter one. I am excited along with her. She deserves to be happy.
Or, this could work as well.
Her eyes empty of sparkles
now shimmer like the best diamond
The happiness she feels
warms her being like the heat of the sun
Her sadness once felt
is turned into joy and excitement
On the worse of days
the good news touches my soul
You get the picture. The inspiration is all around you. Even when writer's block strikes, it can be beaten. I have found that just looking at the nearest object and writing about it (even if it is only a description) helps me. Why? I have pen to paper and my hand is steadily moving across the page. Take that writer's block! So next time you get stuck, try my little trick that I discovered over the years to break the block. Write a description of the first object that catches your eyes and you are on the way to writing bliss.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have made it to the twentieth day of the NaBloPoMo challenge. I am both proud and shocked. I am so glad I decided to participate in it. I now write every day. I may not write at the same time everyday, but I do write.
I always look forward to the weekends because the prompt is a free-writing session. That is a good thing for me. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to follow the prompt given perfectly. However, when I am free-writing, I can just write whatever I want.
This blog is about my writing life. That includes my goals, struggles, drafts, or anything of that nature. Being a writer is a lonely path. It is good to be able to be on the writing cheerleading squad to inspire other writers. I am just like any writer. I have days when I can easily write. Other days I feel stuck.
I wish all of the writers out there the best of luck in all of their endeavors. I will believe in you even if you do not. It is normal to doubt yourself as a writer. That is just part of the writing life. I have one major tip to offer about that. If you let another person read what you wrote and they give you negative feedback, do not be discouraged. It is not a personal attack on you - unless the person is someone who does not like you anyway. That is another matter.
Whatever you do, please do not give up. You will get where you need to be a writer when the time is right. Do not let that stop you from writing and going for your dreams though.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I always look forward to the weekends because the prompt is a free-writing session. That is a good thing for me. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to follow the prompt given perfectly. However, when I am free-writing, I can just write whatever I want.
This blog is about my writing life. That includes my goals, struggles, drafts, or anything of that nature. Being a writer is a lonely path. It is good to be able to be on the writing cheerleading squad to inspire other writers. I am just like any writer. I have days when I can easily write. Other days I feel stuck.
I wish all of the writers out there the best of luck in all of their endeavors. I will believe in you even if you do not. It is normal to doubt yourself as a writer. That is just part of the writing life. I have one major tip to offer about that. If you let another person read what you wrote and they give you negative feedback, do not be discouraged. It is not a personal attack on you - unless the person is someone who does not like you anyway. That is another matter.
Whatever you do, please do not give up. You will get where you need to be a writer when the time is right. Do not let that stop you from writing and going for your dreams though.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
19 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 19: Tell us about a favourite photograph someone took of you. What does it reveal?
When I went on a trip to see my friend, Brenda, she had three out of five days already planned for me. I thought this was cute and funny at the same time.
There is a place called Glass Beach near where my friend lives. I cannot remember the exact city at the present time. I love gemstones. Her telling me about Glass Beach excited me. Brenda's family friend, Ken, took me and her son Dallas to it. I wish I would have had more options for storing items to bring home! I plopped down in one spot for a while and dug through the glass. It is sea glass.
Her son, Dallas, took a picture of me in a small tunnel at this beach. It is the only picture I love. I hate to get my picture taken and am not truly photogenic due to reasons I have mentioned in previous posts.
I would like to share the only photo I approve of myself. Hopefully, you will see the happiness I felt that day. Maybe it will brighten your day if it has been a rough one for you. All I ask is that you DO NOT copy my photo. It is from my vacation. Thanks in advance. IF you want to use it in an article, ASK FOR MY PERMISSION FIRST. Thanks again.
There is a place called Glass Beach near where my friend lives. I cannot remember the exact city at the present time. I love gemstones. Her telling me about Glass Beach excited me. Brenda's family friend, Ken, took me and her son Dallas to it. I wish I would have had more options for storing items to bring home! I plopped down in one spot for a while and dug through the glass. It is sea glass.
Her son, Dallas, took a picture of me in a small tunnel at this beach. It is the only picture I love. I hate to get my picture taken and am not truly photogenic due to reasons I have mentioned in previous posts.
I would like to share the only photo I approve of myself. Hopefully, you will see the happiness I felt that day. Maybe it will brighten your day if it has been a rough one for you. All I ask is that you DO NOT copy my photo. It is from my vacation. Thanks in advance. IF you want to use it in an article, ASK FOR MY PERMISSION FIRST. Thanks again.
I know it is hard to see, but that is some sea glass behind me.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
17 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 17: Do you give a lot of thought to your image online?
I do not give a lot of thought to my image when online. Why? I am just myself online and offline. That is where the "What you see is what you get mentality" comes in.
I have said it many times before. If I have to be someone or something I am not just to impress people or make them like me, guess what? They are not worth my time and effort.
I have been online for many years. There are times when I have met people online in a public pace (cardinal rule number one if you choose this path). I am glad I did. One of the guys I met ended up being psycho. Then, he turned around and pulled the same scenario with one of my co-workers at the time. What a small world.
When it comes to image, I get the short end of the stick. I am average build and looks. I now have teeth problems (some broke and decaying) since I have been unable to go to the dentist for a while. It is embarrassing. When I talk to my friends that are more beautiful than myself, my self-esteem issues come through in my words. It does not matter what we are talking about. My friends can pick up on it easily.
In other words, I am just me both online and offline.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have said it many times before. If I have to be someone or something I am not just to impress people or make them like me, guess what? They are not worth my time and effort.
I have been online for many years. There are times when I have met people online in a public pace (cardinal rule number one if you choose this path). I am glad I did. One of the guys I met ended up being psycho. Then, he turned around and pulled the same scenario with one of my co-workers at the time. What a small world.
When it comes to image, I get the short end of the stick. I am average build and looks. I now have teeth problems (some broke and decaying) since I have been unable to go to the dentist for a while. It is embarrassing. When I talk to my friends that are more beautiful than myself, my self-esteem issues come through in my words. It does not matter what we are talking about. My friends can pick up on it easily.
In other words, I am just me both online and offline.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
16 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 16: Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend." Do you agree or disagree?
I do not know if I agree or disagree. Everyone wears many masks. We use them to hide our true emotions to prevent others worrying about us.
When I do not wear a mask, a person (friend or not), will see the real me. Why? I am allowing all of me to show. That means, it is easy to tell that I am a loving and kind person. At the same time, the way I feel (whether it be emotionally or otherwise) is easy to tell. No matter how hard I try to hide how I feel, others will always sense when something is wrong. This is especially true of my friends and family.
I prefer to not wear a mask. However, I do not want people to approach me when I would rather be alone. Sometimes, I just need my space and do not want to be bothered.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
When I do not wear a mask, a person (friend or not), will see the real me. Why? I am allowing all of me to show. That means, it is easy to tell that I am a loving and kind person. At the same time, the way I feel (whether it be emotionally or otherwise) is easy to tell. No matter how hard I try to hide how I feel, others will always sense when something is wrong. This is especially true of my friends and family.
I prefer to not wear a mask. However, I do not want people to approach me when I would rather be alone. Sometimes, I just need my space and do not want to be bothered.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
15 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 15: Social media allows you to mask parts of your personality and show others. What percentage of yourself do you think you reveal to people online?
When it comes to how much of myself I reveal online, it depends on what I am doing.
It does not matter what social media outlet I use. I am 100% myself.
However, I do participate in various RPs (Roleplays). I can be whatever character I wish. I can be a vampire or anything I choose. Despite this, I still let my true self shine through.
I am the type who says: "What you see, is what you get. If you do not like it, keep walking." I am myself and not what others feel I should be.
I love to have fun, participate in spiritual forums, and chat with others. I love to make new friends.
It is alright to RP and be people (or things) you never thought possible. As a writer, participating in RPs come in handy. I can act out things to see what does and does not work.
In the end, ALWAYS be 100% yourself. Do not try to be someone or something you are not or what others think you should be. That is not being true to oneself.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have caught up on the NaNoWriMo preparations up until now. I am so glad I have a "day off" with it. Preparing for the NaNoWriMo can be taxing. I feel accomplished because I have made it to today and have not fallen behind. By keeping up with my daily "assignments," I have become a more disciplined writer. This will be helpful when November comes and in my writing life in general.
I am enjoying participating in the NaBloPoMo. I have finally written in a blog daily - compared to sporadic entries. This challenge is also helping me be more disciplined as a writer.
I am at the point where I look forward to writing again. For a while, I dreaded it and kept putting it off. These challenges have sparked my writing interest again. I look forward to writing everyday. Words cannot justify how joyful I feel about my chosen path - that of a writer.
I hope to start writing more for the Yahoo! Contributor Network. I have to get back into my groove for that one. If you would like to see what I have done so far, please go here:
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I am enjoying participating in the NaBloPoMo. I have finally written in a blog daily - compared to sporadic entries. This challenge is also helping me be more disciplined as a writer.
I am at the point where I look forward to writing again. For a while, I dreaded it and kept putting it off. These challenges have sparked my writing interest again. I look forward to writing everyday. Words cannot justify how joyful I feel about my chosen path - that of a writer.
I hope to start writing more for the Yahoo! Contributor Network. I have to get back into my groove for that one. If you would like to see what I have done so far, please go here:
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I know it is only Saturday. Weekends are awesome. That is, when one does not have to work during them. It is alright. I am looking forward to Monday.
"Why are you looking forward to Monday?" you may ask. It is quite simple. On AMC, there is going to be a "Friday the 13th" movie marathon starting at 8:00 p.m. I do not know how many movies will show that night, but I will be staying up a while. :-) I am talking about the original "Friday the 13th" movies.
In all honesty, I think the remakes of the "A Nightmare on Elm Street," "Halloween," and "Friday the 13th" movies are ridiculous. The remade "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is horrible. I have seen the original movies so many times, I can tell which parts of them are scattered throughout the remake.
When it comes to movies, I believe the originals are the best. Every once in a while, a person may stumble upon a great remake. Those are few and far between.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
"Why are you looking forward to Monday?" you may ask. It is quite simple. On AMC, there is going to be a "Friday the 13th" movie marathon starting at 8:00 p.m. I do not know how many movies will show that night, but I will be staying up a while. :-) I am talking about the original "Friday the 13th" movies.
In all honesty, I think the remakes of the "A Nightmare on Elm Street," "Halloween," and "Friday the 13th" movies are ridiculous. The remade "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is horrible. I have seen the original movies so many times, I can tell which parts of them are scattered throughout the remake.
When it comes to movies, I believe the originals are the best. Every once in a while, a person may stumble upon a great remake. Those are few and far between.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
12 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 12: Do you plan to do plastic surgery or botox to cover up the effects of aging?
I will not get plastic surgery or botox to hide my aging.
I choose to age graceful and true. Not phony or fake. I am 100% natural in all things. My makeup, clothes, and so forth.
I choose to be who I am. I will not be something I am not because of botox or plastic surgery. To me, that stuff is fake. It is not natural.
There is only ONE way I would have plastic surgery. If I was in a severe accident that damaged me beyond recognition. That is it.
I was born natural; I will die natural.
Besides, if someone cannot accept me for who I am? They are not worth my time and energy. That is why I could not make a living as an actress or anything of that nature. They expect you to look, act, and be a certain way.
My motto: I am just me. Get over it!
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I choose to age graceful and true. Not phony or fake. I am 100% natural in all things. My makeup, clothes, and so forth.
I choose to be who I am. I will not be something I am not because of botox or plastic surgery. To me, that stuff is fake. It is not natural.
There is only ONE way I would have plastic surgery. If I was in a severe accident that damaged me beyond recognition. That is it.
I was born natural; I will die natural.
Besides, if someone cannot accept me for who I am? They are not worth my time and energy. That is why I could not make a living as an actress or anything of that nature. They expect you to look, act, and be a certain way.
My motto: I am just me. Get over it!
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
11 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 11: At what point in life did you stop trying to look older? At what point in life did you start trying to look younger? If neither are true, talk about looking your age.
I have never tried to look older or younger than I am.
I have not changed much in looks in thirty-four years.
I have been told by the majority of people that I look eighteen years old. I have not ever been told that I look over twenty-five. Well, except maybe once or twice.
Most people would get offended by being told they look older than they are. Personally, it does not bother me. I could care less what people think about me when it comes to my looks.
I will admit that I love being told that I look like I am in high school. I always say "Thanks for the compliment" any time I am told this. I take the looking younger than I am from my grandmother. She died when she was in her early 80s. However, she looked like she was in her 50s.
My looking younger than my true age will come in handy for me when I do hit the high ages.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have not changed much in looks in thirty-four years.
I have been told by the majority of people that I look eighteen years old. I have not ever been told that I look over twenty-five. Well, except maybe once or twice.
Most people would get offended by being told they look older than they are. Personally, it does not bother me. I could care less what people think about me when it comes to my looks.
I will admit that I love being told that I look like I am in high school. I always say "Thanks for the compliment" any time I am told this. I take the looking younger than I am from my grandmother. She died when she was in her early 80s. However, she looked like she was in her 50s.
My looking younger than my true age will come in handy for me when I do hit the high ages.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
10 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 10: Do you look similar or very different from how you looked ten years ago?
I look around at the people I used to go to school with. They really have not changed much in their looks. Yes, they have gotten older, had children, or gotten married. However, they still look the same. The only difference may be a new hairstyle or something minor.
I still look the same as I did back when I was younger. I have had customers that worked at my former elementary school speak to me, calling me by my first name, "Hello, Cindy." I look at them and respond, "Hello. Do I know you?" The first customer who did that had been the hall monitor when I was in elementary school. My fourth grade teacher has even spoke to me and I had to do a double take. One of my former co-workers was a girl I went to school with over 25 years ago! She still looked the same.
It really surprises me when I am still recognized after all these years. I have even reconnected with the lunch ladies from my middle school days! I remember the day I ran into my best friend's mom at college. She said, "Hi Cindy." I looked her and responded, "Hi. Do I know you?" She told me she was Felicia's mom. I asked her what gave me away. Her response, "Your trademark ponytail and Backstreet Boys jacket." We burst into laughter.
I suppose it is a good thing that I have not changed in looks much. I do not mind. I am still the tomboy I always have been.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I still look the same as I did back when I was younger. I have had customers that worked at my former elementary school speak to me, calling me by my first name, "Hello, Cindy." I look at them and respond, "Hello. Do I know you?" The first customer who did that had been the hall monitor when I was in elementary school. My fourth grade teacher has even spoke to me and I had to do a double take. One of my former co-workers was a girl I went to school with over 25 years ago! She still looked the same.
It really surprises me when I am still recognized after all these years. I have even reconnected with the lunch ladies from my middle school days! I remember the day I ran into my best friend's mom at college. She said, "Hi Cindy." I looked her and responded, "Hi. Do I know you?" She told me she was Felicia's mom. I asked her what gave me away. Her response, "Your trademark ponytail and Backstreet Boys jacket." We burst into laughter.
I suppose it is a good thing that I have not changed in looks much. I do not mind. I am still the tomboy I always have been.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
09 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 9: If the figurative oxygen mask of life were to drop, would you put on your own first or assist others?
I have always been the type of person who put others before myself. Some people call me a "nurturer," while others deem me "caretaker." Those same people tell me I need to learn how to accept help from others and take care of myself. For some reason, that makes me feel selfish.
If I were in the situation where the oxygen mask of life dropped? I would assist the others first. It is whom I am. It is whom I have always been.
I love to help others. I have to get past the "I feel selfish" train of thought when it comes to taking care of myself. The selfishness I feel when I put myself first for a change. Putting myself before others, when I am used to helping everybody else, is a foreign concept to me.
If everybody would help each other, this world would be a better place.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
If I were in the situation where the oxygen mask of life dropped? I would assist the others first. It is whom I am. It is whom I have always been.
I love to help others. I have to get past the "I feel selfish" train of thought when it comes to taking care of myself. The selfishness I feel when I put myself first for a change. Putting myself before others, when I am used to helping everybody else, is a foreign concept to me.
If everybody would help each other, this world would be a better place.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
08 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 8: If you had the superpower to know what everyone was thinking (but not saying) would you use it?
Yes, I would use it.
1. I would know how to approach people without offending them in some way. This especially comes in handy when you work in the restaurant business.
2. I could get even more writing ideas.
By knowing what people were thinking, it would help me be able to write in the various point of views. This would include children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly. When a person is in their thirties, it can be difficult to write with the mind of a child.
3. If I were interested in a guy and wondered if he liked me, it would help me decide whether or not to approach him. It would save me time and heartbreak.
4. I can sense when something is bothering my loved ones. I would be able to know what is on their mind and how to help.
5. It would come in handy in preventing something bad happening to me. This could be an assault.
I would love to be able to know what people thought.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
1. I would know how to approach people without offending them in some way. This especially comes in handy when you work in the restaurant business.
2. I could get even more writing ideas.
By knowing what people were thinking, it would help me be able to write in the various point of views. This would include children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly. When a person is in their thirties, it can be difficult to write with the mind of a child.
3. If I were interested in a guy and wondered if he liked me, it would help me decide whether or not to approach him. It would save me time and heartbreak.
4. I can sense when something is bothering my loved ones. I would be able to know what is on their mind and how to help.
5. It would come in handy in preventing something bad happening to me. This could be an assault.
I would love to be able to know what people thought.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I tried to complete my Day 7 entry for the NaNoWriMo prep early. It did not work. Why? I am stuck. Today is an "Off" day or I can do a bonus writing "assignment." I was going to attempt to gather research on the topic of rape, statistics between 2002 and 2012, as well as resources for victims of the crime.
Let me tell you ... It is a pain in the butt! I can do searches on Google, Bing, and other search engines all I want. There is so much stuff out there, I do not even know where to begin! It does not help that the statistics I am looking for only go to 2010!
I do have other options for Day 7.
A. Take the day off and give myself a break. Besides, I spend up to eight hours just on one calendar prompt. It would be nice to just sit back and relax.
B. Work on one of my other character's profile. The main character is done for now. I have went as in-depth as I can without repeating myself about her.
C. Choose a bonus assignment to do.
I think I deserve to take a break. I may just not do anything for today's NaNoWriMo prep challenge. The host did say we could take it off. I think I will.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Let me tell you ... It is a pain in the butt! I can do searches on Google, Bing, and other search engines all I want. There is so much stuff out there, I do not even know where to begin! It does not help that the statistics I am looking for only go to 2010!
I do have other options for Day 7.
A. Take the day off and give myself a break. Besides, I spend up to eight hours just on one calendar prompt. It would be nice to just sit back and relax.
B. Work on one of my other character's profile. The main character is done for now. I have went as in-depth as I can without repeating myself about her.
C. Choose a bonus assignment to do.
I think I deserve to take a break. I may just not do anything for today's NaNoWriMo prep challenge. The host did say we could take it off. I think I will.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have made it through the first five days of the NaBloPoMo. I am proud of myself and feel accomplished.
I am grateful that I came across this blog challenge by accident. I have become a more disciplined writer, even if it is blogging only. Blogging has always interested me, but, I never had the confidence to write one. I did not even know how to write one in the past. I still am unsure of how to build my blog following. However, I will not give up.
In other aspects of my writing life, I am preparing for next month's NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I am a member of Writing.com and of the October NaNoWriMo Prep group. My friend, Brandi, has a calendar set up for the participants. Each day is a different aspect of the preparations. I am glad for this because it helps me do the following: become a more disciplined writer, plan out the novel I want to write during November's NaNoWriMo, and be able to stick to the minimum word count requirements to complete the challenge. To reach 50,000 words in thirty days (November 1st through 30th), a minimum of 1,667 words are needed to keep on track. However, the writer can write as many words as they want in a day. There is an advantage to writing these extra words. If something happens in the participant's life that may prevent them from writing for a couple of days, he or she will have a cushion to fall back on. I like the idea of not falling behind in the challenge and getting closer to my completed novel sooner.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Writing.com, participating in November's NaNoWriMo, or taking a chance in the NaBloPoMo challenge, I have included that information for you below.
My Writing.com Referral Link
National Novel Writing Month Organization
National Blog Posting Month
From what I have seen, the NaBloPoMo is monthly. I have seen prompts for many months in a row. Plus, when registering for it, you are asked to choose which month you are participating in.
I may just participate in this monthly to see how far I can go.
NaNoWriMo is yearly. It is every November. However, they do have "NaNoWriMo Camp" in other months. Go to the site for more information.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I am grateful that I came across this blog challenge by accident. I have become a more disciplined writer, even if it is blogging only. Blogging has always interested me, but, I never had the confidence to write one. I did not even know how to write one in the past. I still am unsure of how to build my blog following. However, I will not give up.
In other aspects of my writing life, I am preparing for next month's NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I am a member of Writing.com and of the October NaNoWriMo Prep group. My friend, Brandi, has a calendar set up for the participants. Each day is a different aspect of the preparations. I am glad for this because it helps me do the following: become a more disciplined writer, plan out the novel I want to write during November's NaNoWriMo, and be able to stick to the minimum word count requirements to complete the challenge. To reach 50,000 words in thirty days (November 1st through 30th), a minimum of 1,667 words are needed to keep on track. However, the writer can write as many words as they want in a day. There is an advantage to writing these extra words. If something happens in the participant's life that may prevent them from writing for a couple of days, he or she will have a cushion to fall back on. I like the idea of not falling behind in the challenge and getting closer to my completed novel sooner.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Writing.com, participating in November's NaNoWriMo, or taking a chance in the NaBloPoMo challenge, I have included that information for you below.
My Writing.com Referral Link
National Novel Writing Month Organization
National Blog Posting Month
From what I have seen, the NaBloPoMo is monthly. I have seen prompts for many months in a row. Plus, when registering for it, you are asked to choose which month you are participating in.
I may just participate in this monthly to see how far I can go.
NaNoWriMo is yearly. It is every November. However, they do have "NaNoWriMo Camp" in other months. Go to the site for more information.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
05 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 5: Do you tend to cover up your failings or admit your mistakes?
I will admit my failings. I take responsibility for my choices in life, whether it be financial, professional, educational, or otherwise.
I will be the first to admit when I have done something wrong. I would rather tell the truth and get it over with. It is better than waiting for someone else to tell their truth and bring you up in it, even if they lied in reality.
I prefer to tell the truth upfront as the consequences are usually minor. Of course, that depends on the what the situation is in the first place.
There is another reason I admit my failings instead of hide them. I hope to prevent others from making the same mistakes in life I have. It will save heartache, pain, and regret.
I know I am not perfect. Some people get in my face and say, "I am sorry I am not perfect like you." They say it for meanness. My response, "I am far from perfect and I will be the first to admit it."
Besides, if I were perfect I would have everything I want. I would not have teeth or health problems. I would look like a supermodel and have 20-20 vision. I would be able to remember everything I read and study easily. Plus, I would have all the money I wanted to live my life like I please. That includes a writing career.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
04 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 4: How good are you at telling a lie?
I have had to tell little white lies before. Only minor ones when I was a child. At some point in their life, any child does.
My grandmother taught me that "Honesty is the Best Policy." I was always considered a "Miss Goody Two Shoes" growing up. I was considered a tattletale. I am sorry, but, I cannot stand bullying. Another pet peeve of mine? A person who gets punished for something he or she did not do, while the troublemaker gets off the hook. I lost count of how many times I was punished because of this back in my school days.
On more than one occasion, I have been told that I am too honest for my own good. Mainly by my best friends and some co-workers I have had along the way of life.
I prefer to be honest. However, I believe I have mastered the telling of a little white lie down to an art. I am older. I have also mastered the "there is a time to open your mouth and a time to keep it shut" philosophy. It is about time.
Mind you, I am more honest than not. That is just who I am.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
My grandmother taught me that "Honesty is the Best Policy." I was always considered a "Miss Goody Two Shoes" growing up. I was considered a tattletale. I am sorry, but, I cannot stand bullying. Another pet peeve of mine? A person who gets punished for something he or she did not do, while the troublemaker gets off the hook. I lost count of how many times I was punished because of this back in my school days.
On more than one occasion, I have been told that I am too honest for my own good. Mainly by my best friends and some co-workers I have had along the way of life.
I prefer to be honest. However, I believe I have mastered the telling of a little white lie down to an art. I am older. I have also mastered the "there is a time to open your mouth and a time to keep it shut" philosophy. It is about time.
Mind you, I am more honest than not. That is just who I am.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I enjoy acting for entertainment purposes. I was in a Christmas play once and had fun doing it. Of course, I learned the songs first because I love to sing. I auditioned for the part of "Host" and ended up getting "Co-Host" instead. This upset me because the young man who was host did not take the role seriously. It is sad when you, the co-host, can say both people's lines. I could even tell the guy where he messed up. I enjoy RPing (Role-Playing) which is a type of acting.
If it is acting like everything is alright when the opposite is true? I do not like that kind of acting. On the flipside, I would rather not look weak to everyone around me, should I break down in tears. If someone wants me to be (act) like something or someone I am not? No. I would rather be me than anyone else. I am only myself. If people cannot like or love me, for whom I am as a person, they are not worth my time and energy. I have better things to do than care about what others think of me. As long as I am true to myself, that is all that matters to me. I follow where my heart leads.
There are times when I have thought about acting professionally. However, with my teeth and body in its condition, I would not make it in that business. I am not perfect or anorexic thin. I am slim, but, I am not toned. I could make it as a movie extra though.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
02 October 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
Prompt 2: Are you good at hiding your feelings or is your face an open book?
I have to be honest here. I try to hide my feelings rather than let them show. It does not help that I have a someone close to me who seems to get satisfaction out of hurting me. In my opinion, he is verbally abusive. If he sees that his words affect me, he smirks. This person makes me feel like I am weak if I let emotion show.
There are those who know me and can always tell when something is wrong. I can try to hide my feelings from them, but, they are able to pick up on it. That tells me my face is an open book. I do not even notice it.
I am the type of person who holds emotions in. I do not like others seeing me cry or anything else. My train of thought is that this makes me seem weak to others.
Holding emotions in is not healthy. It is hard to let them show at the same time. It is no wonder I stay to myself all the time. I do not get hurt that way.
I will have to find a place where I can let go of the pent up feelings. A place where I do not feel vulnerable or as if I am being scrutinized. It is affecting my health in the most negative way.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
There are those who know me and can always tell when something is wrong. I can try to hide my feelings from them, but, they are able to pick up on it. That tells me my face is an open book. I do not even notice it.
I am the type of person who holds emotions in. I do not like others seeing me cry or anything else. My train of thought is that this makes me seem weak to others.
Holding emotions in is not healthy. It is hard to let them show at the same time. It is no wonder I stay to myself all the time. I do not get hurt that way.
I will have to find a place where I can let go of the pent up feelings. A place where I do not feel vulnerable or as if I am being scrutinized. It is affecting my health in the most negative way.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
01 October 2012
blog challenge,
Prompt 1: When you saw the word mask, was your first interpretation protection, covering up, persona, or performance?
When I first saw the word "mask," I thought it referred to Halloween 2012. That is when everyone wears costumes, adults and children alike.
Another interpretation is the "mask" people put on during their daily lives.
There are those of us who may suffer from depression. Others have low self-esteem. We put on a happy face and carry on like nothing is bothering us. Those around us may think we are free of worries or just happy all the time. That is not always true.
We wear the figurative mask to hide our true selves. This could be due to many reasons. We do not want others to know that everything just may not be alright. People may just prefer to be loners and stay by themselves. We do not want to feel like a burden to those around us. Thus, we prefer to keep things to ourselves.
I am one of many who wears a mask every day of my life. I may look fine on the outside. The smiles and laughter abound. On the contrary, I am tore up on the inside, trying to fight my way out of the darkness. I am working on healing myself. It is a painful thing. Of course, life is never easy. If it were, we would learn nothing.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Another interpretation is the "mask" people put on during their daily lives.
There are those of us who may suffer from depression. Others have low self-esteem. We put on a happy face and carry on like nothing is bothering us. Those around us may think we are free of worries or just happy all the time. That is not always true.
We wear the figurative mask to hide our true selves. This could be due to many reasons. We do not want others to know that everything just may not be alright. People may just prefer to be loners and stay by themselves. We do not want to feel like a burden to those around us. Thus, we prefer to keep things to ourselves.
I am one of many who wears a mask every day of my life. I may look fine on the outside. The smiles and laughter abound. On the contrary, I am tore up on the inside, trying to fight my way out of the darkness. I am working on healing myself. It is a painful thing. Of course, life is never easy. If it were, we would learn nothing.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
30 September 2012
blog challenge,
blog prompts,
A New Challenge: NaBloPoMo
I was playing around on the internet when I stumbled upon something new. A NaBloPoMo. I wondered what the heck that meant and checked it out. I had heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), but, a NaBloPoMo? This is what I discovered.
NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Post Month. This challenge was inspired by the NaNoWriMo that takes place every November. For NaBloPoMo, you blog between October 1st and October 31st. There is a prompt for each day. If you are interested in this challenge, go to http://www.blogher.com/blogher-topics/blogging-social-media/nablopomo for more information. It is worth a try, right? Talk about a well of ideas when you are stuck! As a writer, it can be difficult to come up with ideas at times. This could be just what you need to get writing again.
This is the first time I am participating in this event. I am looking forward to it.
Until next time ...
Happy Writing!

NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Post Month. This challenge was inspired by the NaNoWriMo that takes place every November. For NaBloPoMo, you blog between October 1st and October 31st. There is a prompt for each day. If you are interested in this challenge, go to http://www.blogher.com/blogher-topics/blogging-social-media/nablopomo for more information. It is worth a try, right? Talk about a well of ideas when you are stuck! As a writer, it can be difficult to come up with ideas at times. This could be just what you need to get writing again.
This is the first time I am participating in this event. I am looking forward to it.
Until next time ...
Happy Writing!

I was recently published on Yahoo Voices. I am a Yahoo Contributor. Please feel free to check out the links to my work. I only ask that you do not take it and claim it as your own.
I know that may anger my readers, but... There are people out there low enough to do that to those of us who worked hard to create the piece. When you post your work online, it is best to be careful where you post it. I am not trying to deter you from publishing online. I just want you to be careful because you put everything you had into your work of art, whether it be a poem, short story, or novel.
Here are the links to my profile and published content.
Yahoo Contributor Profile
Winter Has Cometh
Angels in the Midst
I hope you enjoy reading my poems as much as I loved writing them.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I know that may anger my readers, but... There are people out there low enough to do that to those of us who worked hard to create the piece. When you post your work online, it is best to be careful where you post it. I am not trying to deter you from publishing online. I just want you to be careful because you put everything you had into your work of art, whether it be a poem, short story, or novel.
Here are the links to my profile and published content.
Yahoo Contributor Profile
Winter Has Cometh
Angels in the Midst
I hope you enjoy reading my poems as much as I loved writing them.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Update on end-of-month writing goals...
I did not reach my goals set for myself like I thought I would. I do not feel like a failure either. Things got pretty hectic near the end of this month. Therefore, I will just go for them again for the month of February.
Writing goals for the month of February...
I will start out small and set three goals for me to reach. Once I reach those, I will set more.
1 - Write two poems.
2 - Write more of my novel.
3 - Edit two of my old writings.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I did not reach my goals set for myself like I thought I would. I do not feel like a failure either. Things got pretty hectic near the end of this month. Therefore, I will just go for them again for the month of February.
Writing goals for the month of February...
I will start out small and set three goals for me to reach. Once I reach those, I will set more.
1 - Write two poems.
2 - Write more of my novel.
3 - Edit two of my old writings.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I set three writing goals for myself to reach before the end of this month. I do not seem to be getting anywhere. I have been dealing with a migraine and other writing obligations that I must meet before deadline.
I will have to take a mini-break after completing the articles for my deadline. Once I get back from it? I am going to write those two poems I want to write. Somehow. Even if it is only a skeletal version. At least it is something.
I am looking forward to writing more regularly instead of procrastinating from doing so. Procrastination does not get me anywhere. Anyone for that matter.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I will have to take a mini-break after completing the articles for my deadline. Once I get back from it? I am going to write those two poems I want to write. Somehow. Even if it is only a skeletal version. At least it is something.
I am looking forward to writing more regularly instead of procrastinating from doing so. Procrastination does not get me anywhere. Anyone for that matter.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
26 January 2012
writer's guides,
writing magazines,
writing websites
Magazines and Sites I Recommend for All Writers
Over the years of writing, I have found a few good sites to visit. There are also quite a few writing magazines I find helpful. I would like to share this information with you. I hope it will help you as it has helped me.
This is the site of Writer's Digest magazine. It is chock-full of articles and tips on how to improve your writing and prepare yourself for the road to being published. It is also home to competitions Writer's Digest hosts. This is my favorite writing magazine and I highly recommend it. My most favorite issues of all are the special editions.
Their bookstore has the best selection of writing books. Some books include: Writer's Market, Poet's Market, Novel & Short Story Writer's Market, Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market, and Songwriter's Market. They can be a little expensive. However, they are worth the price. I promise. You can find information and articles about how to submit your work, listings for publishing agents and contests, and much more.
The Writer magazine is pretty good. It also offers tips and articles on how to improve your writing craft.
This is Poets & Writers Magazine. It is highly recommended for those of you who love to write poetry. Get ready for some long, information-packed articles.
Publishers Weekly is THE magazine to have to keep up with current publishing trends. It helps make research of the various markets out there easier for us writers and authors.
This is a great site to supplement your copy of Writer's Market with. It includes extra information about the publishing industry, contests, publishers, and writer's conferences.
This is a wonderful site for beginner and novice writers alike. Writing.com is the site that helped me get back into writing again. Once you join, you get a portfolio of your own. There are various membership options. They are free, basic, upgraded, premium, and premium plus. The amount of portfolio space and price of the membership depends on which on you choose. The portfolio space is as follows...
Free - 10 items
Basic - 50 items
Upgraded - 250 items
Premium - 1000 items
Premium Plus - 2000 items
What makes this site even better is that other members will visit your portfolio. More likely than not, they will give you a rate and review (r & r for short). It is a wonderful community. I have made some great friends here and been a member for 9 years.
Feel free to check out my portfolio there.
May these magazines and websites inspire you. I hope they will provide the help and guidance you needed to reach your dreams.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
This is the site of Writer's Digest magazine. It is chock-full of articles and tips on how to improve your writing and prepare yourself for the road to being published. It is also home to competitions Writer's Digest hosts. This is my favorite writing magazine and I highly recommend it. My most favorite issues of all are the special editions.
Their bookstore has the best selection of writing books. Some books include: Writer's Market, Poet's Market, Novel & Short Story Writer's Market, Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market, and Songwriter's Market. They can be a little expensive. However, they are worth the price. I promise. You can find information and articles about how to submit your work, listings for publishing agents and contests, and much more.
The Writer magazine is pretty good. It also offers tips and articles on how to improve your writing craft.
This is Poets & Writers Magazine. It is highly recommended for those of you who love to write poetry. Get ready for some long, information-packed articles.
Publishers Weekly is THE magazine to have to keep up with current publishing trends. It helps make research of the various markets out there easier for us writers and authors.
This is a great site to supplement your copy of Writer's Market with. It includes extra information about the publishing industry, contests, publishers, and writer's conferences.
This is a wonderful site for beginner and novice writers alike. Writing.com is the site that helped me get back into writing again. Once you join, you get a portfolio of your own. There are various membership options. They are free, basic, upgraded, premium, and premium plus. The amount of portfolio space and price of the membership depends on which on you choose. The portfolio space is as follows...
Free - 10 items
Basic - 50 items
Upgraded - 250 items
Premium - 1000 items
Premium Plus - 2000 items
What makes this site even better is that other members will visit your portfolio. More likely than not, they will give you a rate and review (r & r for short). It is a wonderful community. I have made some great friends here and been a member for 9 years.
Feel free to check out my portfolio there.
May these magazines and websites inspire you. I hope they will provide the help and guidance you needed to reach your dreams.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
Hello again. It is near the end of January. I have been writing and editing articles for my friend. I am a freelance editor and writer. I spend more time doing this more than personal writing. This can be essays, poems, or whatever comes to mind.
That being said, I have made some goals to I want to achieve by the end of this month.
Here they are...
1 - Write two poems.
2 - Enter a contest or two at http://www.writing.com.
3 - Write more of the novel I began last November. (This is a result of the annual NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month challenge.)
Tip: When you set your writing goals, start small.
For more information on NaNoWriMo, go here...
Big goals (i.e. write a novel in thirty days, get published within a certain time-frame) are great. However, if you fall short of reaching them? More likely than not, you are going to berate yourself and want to give up. That is why you want to break these up in small goals. It is a step-by-step process.
You can do it. I believe in you. You should believe in yourself, too.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
That being said, I have made some goals to I want to achieve by the end of this month.
Here they are...
1 - Write two poems.
2 - Enter a contest or two at http://www.writing.com.
3 - Write more of the novel I began last November. (This is a result of the annual NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month challenge.)
Tip: When you set your writing goals, start small.
For more information on NaNoWriMo, go here...
Big goals (i.e. write a novel in thirty days, get published within a certain time-frame) are great. However, if you fall short of reaching them? More likely than not, you are going to berate yourself and want to give up. That is why you want to break these up in small goals. It is a step-by-step process.
You can do it. I believe in you. You should believe in yourself, too.
Until next time...
Happy Writing!
I have always loved to write since I was child. English and Spelling were tied for first place as my favorite subjects in school. The part of English class I enjoyed most was Creative Writing. I would rather do that over the boring stuff any day!
As I grew older, I wrote poetry and short stories. Unfortunately, I lost a lot of my work from that time because I did not have a computer. I wish I had made copies of it all. I would have quite the collection of material.
With this blog, I will share my personal writing experience with you. This includes my work, writing successes, and failures. I invite my reader, whomever you are, to join me on this journey. Enjoy yourselves. I hope this inspires you to go for your dreams without giving up. Maybe it will spark your interest in writing, too.
Until next time ...
Happy Writing!
As I grew older, I wrote poetry and short stories. Unfortunately, I lost a lot of my work from that time because I did not have a computer. I wish I had made copies of it all. I would have quite the collection of material.
With this blog, I will share my personal writing experience with you. This includes my work, writing successes, and failures. I invite my reader, whomever you are, to join me on this journey. Enjoy yourselves. I hope this inspires you to go for your dreams without giving up. Maybe it will spark your interest in writing, too.
Until next time ...
Happy Writing!
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