05 October 2012 0 comments

Prompt 5: Do you tend to cover up your failings or admit your mistakes?

I will admit my failings. I take responsibility for my choices in life, whether it be financial, professional, educational, or otherwise. 

I will be the first to admit when I have done something wrong. I would rather tell the truth and get it over with. It is better than waiting for someone else to tell their truth and bring you up in it, even if they lied in reality.

I prefer to tell the truth upfront as the consequences are usually minor. Of course, that depends on the what the situation is in the first place.

There is another reason I admit my failings instead of hide them. I hope to prevent others from making the same mistakes in life I have. It will save heartache, pain, and regret.

I know I am not perfect. Some people get in my face and say, "I am sorry I am not perfect like you." They say it for meanness. My response, "I am far from perfect and I will be the first to admit it."

Besides, if I were perfect I would have everything I want. I would not have teeth or health problems. I would look like a supermodel and have 20-20 vision. I would be able to remember everything I read and study easily. Plus, I would have all the money I wanted to live my life like I please. That includes a writing career.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!