09 October 2012 0 comments

Prompt 9: If the figurative oxygen mask of life were to drop, would you put on your own first or assist others?

I have always been the type of person who put others before myself. Some people call me a "nurturer," while others deem me "caretaker." Those same people tell me I need to learn how to accept help from others and take care of myself. For some reason, that makes me feel selfish.

If I were in the situation where the oxygen mask of life dropped? I would assist the others first. It is whom I am. It is whom I have always been.

I love to help others. I have to get past the "I feel selfish" train of thought when it comes to taking care of myself. The selfishness I feel when I put myself first for a change. Putting myself before others, when I am used to helping everybody else, is a foreign concept to me.

If everybody would help each other, this world would be a better place.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!