24 October 2012 0 comments

Prompt 24: Are you dressing up this year for Halloween? If so, tell us what you'll be. If not, tell us what costume you wish you could make/buy.

Even though I'm "too old" to go trick-or-treating for candy myself, I dress up anyway. I have a Gothic Maiden costume I bought at Party City years ago. The material feels like suede and it is black and red with a hood. It came with a slim black and red twisted cord to tie around the waist. That is my favorite costume. I just need black lipstick to complete it. That is, when I can get a way to the store that sells it.

I like Party City for costumes. They have (usually) what I am looking for. The costumes are better quality. I hope to find a vampire costume as well. I am both gothic and have a deep love for vampires.

Since I dress up and do not have any children to take trick-or-treating, I will most likely give out candy instead.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!