12 November 2012 2 comments

A New Week

As the middle of November approaches, I am still behind on my NaNo writing. Since I am off today, I do not care if I have to hogtie myself to the chair, I AM going to write. I do not know how far I will get but at least I am writing.

At this very moment, I am going to be upfront with you. I have been doing my best to avoid writing in contractions in the blog. Supposedly, it is taboo to write that way. However, it does not sound as natural if I constantly avoid them. The consistency may waiver here and there in the way I sound. Here's the thing, I want to write as if I am talking to you, instead of coming off as a stiff cardboard box.

I would like your opinion on that topic. Would you prefer for me to speak where it sounds natural or stiffly? I am asking out of curiosity. Comment on this post and let me know what you think. I appreciate any and all feedback from my readers.

I will cut this blog post short. I have been studying for the past twelve hours and I am tired.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!