08 April 2015 1 comments

A Good Day to Write

Today was a good day to write. However, before I had to go to work, my husband and I had important business to take care of. I must admit that if I cannot do anything else, I sure can procrastinate!

Procrastination is the writer's worst enemy, next to that chatterbox called the "inner critic." You know, that voice in your head that constantly berates everything you write. It seems like you can never get anything right. Of course, this results in writer's block and an ever-growing pile of crumpled papers. Why? Because of all the constant rewriting of your piece!

To break the hold that procrastination has over me, I think I will start by setting up a specific time to write. The tricky part is actually sticking to it! Another thing that should help me is to designate a writing spot. I could go there at the specific time and write, write, write.

I look forward to having a regular writing routine. If I do not come up with one, how am I ever going to write those books I want to write?

Until next time...

Happy Writing!