14 October 2012 0 comments

Prompt 14: Free-writing 4

I have caught up on the NaNoWriMo preparations up until now. I am so glad I have a "day off" with it. Preparing for the NaNoWriMo can be taxing. I feel accomplished because I have made it to today and have not fallen behind. By keeping up with my daily "assignments," I have become a more disciplined writer. This will be helpful when November comes and in my writing life in general.

I am enjoying participating in the NaBloPoMo. I have finally written in a blog daily - compared to sporadic entries. This challenge is also helping me be more disciplined as a writer.

I am at the point where I look forward to writing again. For a while, I dreaded it and kept putting it off. These challenges have sparked my writing interest again. I look forward to writing everyday. Words cannot justify how joyful I feel about my chosen path - that of a writer.

I hope to start writing more for the Yahoo! Contributor Network. I have to get back into my groove for that one. If you would like to see what I have done so far, please go here:


Until next time...

Happy Writing!
