22 October 2012 0 comments

Prompt 22: Tell us the best Halloween costume you ever wore.

It has been a long time since I went trick or treating. Try over twenty years. It is difficult to remember in perfect detail that old costume.

When I went trick or treating as a child, I was usually a witch. I have a never-ending interest in witches, demons, vampires, and beings of that nature. I am fascinated by them all.

If I had to choose the best Halloween costume, I would have to choose the witch costume my grandmother made. She always made my costumes. 

The costume was solid black with orange sewn in sporadically. The bottom of it was fringed in the shape of triangles. Granny was creative and loved to sew.
I love boots but I wore black flat heeled shoes instead. She would paint my face. I would classify myself as a feline witch. My makeup consisted of black cat whiskers and a black nose. 

Until next time...

Happy Writing!