23 October 2012 0 comments

Prompt 23: Tell us your biggest Halloween costume fail.

What my biggest Halloween costume fail was is a good question. I always dressed up like a witch. Although one year I did attempt to be an angel, since my grandmother would not let me be a devil.

I wore a little white dress with white flat heeled shoes. The make-shift halo was a disaster. It would not stay on my head to save my life. When it was not falling off, it would tangle in my hair and dangle. That smarted as well. The material used was gold garland wrapped around a thick, silver metal wire.

I decided that day to never wear anything on my head again with a costume. That covers this lifetime and all others. It is too much of a hassle and I hate wearing stuff on my head anyway. 

From now on, I will just buy costumes instead of have them made.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!