16 October 2012 0 comments

Prompt 16: Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend." Do you agree or disagree?

I do not know if I agree or disagree. Everyone wears many masks. We use them to hide our true emotions to prevent others worrying about us.

When I do not wear a mask, a person (friend or not), will see the real me. Why? I am allowing all of me to show. That means, it is easy to tell that I am a loving and kind person. At the same time, the way I feel (whether it be emotionally or otherwise) is easy to tell. No matter how hard I try to hide how I feel, others will always sense when something is wrong. This is especially true of my friends and family.

I prefer to not wear a mask. However, I do not want people to approach me when I would rather be alone. Sometimes, I just need my space and do not want to be bothered.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!
