27 October 2012

Prompt 27: Free-writing 7

I am counting down until the actual NaNoWriMo begins in November. I am five days away from its start. It is going to be one of my most stressful ever. I have to write a minimum of 1,667 words a day to complete the challenge on time. 50,000 words is a lot of writing.

How is it going to be stressful, you ask? Let me see.

1. I have to write 1,667 words a day (at a regular time).

2. I need to balance school, work, and this daily writing.

3. I have to keep myself disciplined (as mentioned in #1).

4. I need to keep distractions to a minimum. This includes watching television or movies, staying AWAY from the Facebook games I play (at least until I complete the daily word count), turning all chat boxes off, not answering my phone (unless it is an emergency), and coming up with a lot of excuses to keep me away from the writing itself.

5. I have to make sure that I get adequate sleep so that I am not a zombie on the days I work.

What can I do to prevent all that stress and complete the challenge the way I want?

1. Replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk.

2. Set a specific time frame to write in and stick to it. This means putting my butt in the chair at this time and turn off the television and phone. Plus, not getting on Facebook until I am done.

3. Get adequate rest. I will have to rearrange my sleep routine.

4. Do a mini-meditation or say a simple prayer to calm my nerves.

5. Believe in myself. That is easier said than done.

Until next time...

Happy Writing!

